


List of Papers:

  1. Skarstein, G, Ohm, S., Cedeño, and Escalona, A. 2022. Facies variations in the Upper Jurassic source rocks of the Norwegian North Sea; from micro- to macro scale. Marine and Petroleum Geology, in Press. (
  2. Cedeño, A., S. Ohm, A. Escalona, and J. de Jager. 2021. Source rocks in the Guyana Basin: Insights from geochemical investigation of 15 heavy oils from onshore Suriname. in C. Bartolini, ed., South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic plate boundary: Tectonic evolution, basin architecture, and petroleum systems: AAPG Memoir 123, p. 749-776
  3. Cedeño, A., S. Ohm, and A. Escalona. 2021. Barbados Petroleum and Its Role in Understanding Distribution of Cretaceous Source Rocks in the Southeastern Caribbean Margin: Insights from an Organic Geochemistry Study. in C. Bartolini, ed., South America-Caribbean-Central Atlantic plate boundary: Tectonic evolution, basin architecture, and petroleum systems: AAPG Memoir 123, p. 441-468.
  4. Senger, K., Birchall, T., Betlem, P., Ogata, K., Ohm, S., Olaussen, S. and Paulsen, R.S. 2021. Resistivity f reservoir sandstones and organic rich shales in the Barents Shelf: Implications for interpreting CSEM data. Geoscience Frontiers. (
  5. Cedeño, A., Ohm, S., Escalona, A., Marin, D., Olaussen, S., and Demchuk, T. 2021. Upper Jurassic to lower Cretaceous source rocks in the Norwegian Barents Sea, part I: Organic geochemical, petrographic, and paleogeographic investigations. Marine and Petroleum Geology, In Press. (
  6. Cedeño, A., Ohm, S., Escalona, A., Marin, D., Olaussen, S., and Demchuk, T. 2021. Upper Jurassic to lower Cretaceous source rocks in the Norwegian Barents Sea, part II:Insights from open-and closed-system pyrolysis experiments. Marine and Petroleum Geology, In Press. (
  7. Matava, T., Keys, G., Ohm, S. E., and Volterrani, S. 2021. Observing maturing source rocks on seismic reflection data. Geophysics, Vol. 86, No.1, MR67 - MR79. (
  8. Helleren. S., Marin, D., Ohm, S.E., Augustsson, C., & Escalona, A. 2020. Why does not lithology correlate with gamma-ray spikes in the shaley source rocks of the Upper Jurassic Alge Member (southwestern Barents Sea)? Marine and Petroleum Geology, 121, 1 - 19.
  9. Marin, D., Helleren, S., Escalona, A., Olaussen, S., Cedeño, A., Nøhr-Hansen, H., & Ohm, S.E. 2020. The Middle Jurassic to lowermost Cretaceous in the SW Barents Sea: Interplay between tectocics, coarse-grained sediment supply and organic matter preservation. Basin Research, 00: 1 -23
  10. Ohm, S.E., Larsen, L., Olaussen, S., Senger, K., Birchall, T., Demchuk, T., Hodson, A., Johansen, I., Titlestad, G.O., Karlsen, D.A., & Braathen, A. 2020. Discovery of shale gas in organic-rich Jurassic successions, Adventdalen, Central Spitsbergen, Norway. Norwegian Journal of Geology, Vol 99, Nr 2, 349 - 376.
  11. Lundmark, A.M., Gabrielsen, R.H, Strand, T., & Ohm, S.E. 2018. Repeated post-Caledonian intra-cratonic rifting in the central North Sea: Evidence from the volcanic record in the Embla oil field: Marine and Petroleum Geology 92, 505 – 518.
  12. Senger, K., Betlem, P., Liira, M., Roy, S., Midttønne, K., Wheeler, W., Bleka, T., Olaussen, S., Ohm, S.E. 2017. Integrated thermo-baric modelling of the gas hydrate stability zone onshore Svalbard, Arctic Norway. ICGH9, Denver, USA, pp. 15.
  13. Abay, Tesfamariam Berhane, Karlsen, D.A, & Ohm, S.E. 2014. Vertical variations in reservoir geochemistry in a Paleozoic trap, Embla Field, offshore Norway. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 37(4), pp. 349-372.
  14. Jahren, J., Haile, B.G., Hellevang, H., Bjørlykke, K., & Ohm, S.E. 2013, Abstract; Fracture Patterns in Organic Rich Mudstones: Implications for Primary Petroleum Migration. 75th EAGE Conference, London 2013.
  15. Ohm, S.E., Karlsen, D.A., Phan, N.T., Strand. T. & Iversen, G. 2012, Present Jurassic petroleum charge facing Paleozoic biodegraded oil: Geochemical challenges and potential upsides, Embla Field, North Sea. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 95, 537 - 558.
  16. Lundmark, A.M., Gabrielsen, R.H., Austrheim, H., Flaat, K., Strand, T., & Ohm, S.E. 2012, Late Devonian rifting in the central North Sea: Evidence from altered felsic volcanic rocks in the Embla oil field: Marine and Petroleum Geology 29, 204 – 218.
  17. Ohm, S.E., and Haneferd, H. 2011. Drilling conditions making wells unsuitable for fluid inclusion studies. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 95, 537 - 558.
  18. Ohm, S. E., Karlsen, D. A. & Austin, T. J. F. 2008, Geochemically driven exploration models in uplifted areas: Examples from the Norwegian Barents Sea. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 92, 1191 – 1223.
  19. Ohm, S.E., Karlsen, D.A., Backer-Owe, K., Pedersen, J.H. & Beeley, H.B. 2008, A drilling mud additive influencing geochemical hydrocarbon interpretation in the northern North Sea. World Oil, 229 (5), 85 – 90.
  20. Ohm, S.E., Karlsen, D.A., Backer-Owe, K., Pedersen, J.H. & Beeley, H.B. 2007. A drilling mud additive influencing the geochemical interpretations of hydrocarbon shows. Petroleum Geoscience, 13, 369 - 376.
  21. Ohm, S.E. and Karlsen, D.A. 2006. Biogenic gas (?) in fluid inclusions from sandstones in contact with oil mature coals. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 91, 715 - 739
  22. Ohm, S.E., Beeley, H., Karlsen, D.A., Hall, P.B. & Foss, A. 2006. An atypical early mature oil in Block 35/1, Norwegian North Sea – hypersaline, carbonate Jurassic environment? Petroleum Geoscience, 12, 157-174.
  23. Ohm, S.E., Karlsen, D.A., Roberts, A., Johannessen, E. & Høiland, O. 2006. The Paleocene Sandy Siri Fairway: An efficient “pipeline” draining the prolific Central Graben? Journal of Petroleum Geology, 29 (1), 53-82.
  24. Brekke, T., Lønne, Ø. & Ohm, S.E. 1996. Light hydrocarbon gases in shallow sediments in the northern North Sea. Marine Geology, 137, 81-108.
  25. Karlsen, D. A., Nyland, B. Flood, B., Ohm, S. E., Brekke, T., Olsen, S. & Backer-Owe, K., 1995. Petroleum geochemistry of the Haltenbanken, Norwegian continental shelf. In: Cubitt, J. M. & England, W. A. (eds.) The Geochemistry of Reservoirs, Geological Society Special Publication, 96, pp. 1523-1552.