Posters & Presentations


Posters & Presentations


The 34th International Geological Congress – Brisbane, Austalia, August, 2012; Drilling conditions making wells unsuitable for fluid inclusion studies

The 24th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Switzerland, September 2011. Drilling conditions making wells unsuitable for fluid inclusion studies

The 23nd International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, September 9th – 14th, Torquay, England. A drilling mud additive influencing the geochemical interpretations of hydrocarbon shows

The 23nd International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, September 9th – 14th, Torquay, England. Biogenic gas (?) in fluid inclusions from sandstones in contact with oil mature coals

The 2006 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition (November 5th-8th), Perth, Australia. Biogenic gas (?) in fluid inclusions from sandstones in contact with oil mature coals

The 22nd International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, September 12th -16th, 2005, Seville – Spain.Gas expulsion from coals (Brent and Åre Fm NOCS); New proofs and understanding

Oral Presentations

NPF Conference on Petroleum System Evaluation, Stavanger, May 2018; “Are huge quantities of gas released from source rocks as a consequence of uplift?”

Arctic Days Conference, Svolvær May 2017; “Could uplift and erosion result in source rocks expelling huge quantities of isotopically heavy gas? Circumstantial evidence from wells on Svalbard”

AAPG conference in Milan, Italy, October 2011; “Drilling conditions making wells unsuitable for fluid inclusion studies”

Norwegian Meeting of Organic Geochemists (NMOG 2010); “Drilling conditions making wells unsuitable for fluid inclusion studies”

AAPG convention in Denver, Colorado, June 2009; “Geochemically driven exploration models in uplifted areas: Examples from the Norwegian Barents Sea.”

The 11th Norwegian Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Stavanger, Norway, October 23rd – 24th, 2008; “Geochemically driven exploration models in uplifted areas: Examples from the Norwegian Barents Sea.”

The 33rd International Geological Congress – Oslo, August, 2008; “Geochemically driven exploration models in uplifted areas: Examples from the Norwegian Barents Sea.”

The 68th EAGE Conference in Vienna, June 11-15th, 2006; “An atypical early mature oil in Block 35/1, Norwegian North Sea – hypersaline, carbonate Jurassic environment?”

The 67th EAGE Conference in Madrid, June 12-16th, 2005;The Paleocene Sandy Siri Fairway: An efficient “pipeline” draining the prolific Central Graben?”

The 32nd International Geological Congress – Florence, August, 2004; “The Paleocene Sandy Siri Fairway: An efficient “pipeline” draining the prolific Central Graben?”