Interpretation and Integration of Organic Geochemical Data

30+ years of experience from industry and academia


Relevant information from geochemical data:

  • Source rocks
    • Type (kerogen type)
    • Quality
    • Maturity
  • Oils
    • Maturity
    • Source
    • Age
    • Single or mixed charge
    • Alteration (biodegraded, water washed, cracked)
  • Gas
    • Origin
    • Maturity
  • Basin modeling
    • Timing of generation and expulsion
    • Phases expelled
    • Volumes available for trapping

Integration: Update/modify existing exploration and exploitation models with information from Geochemical studies.

Other services provided:

  • Planning geochemical sampling program for wells
  • Surface geochemical studies; distinguish background data from active seepage
  • Short course in Petroleum System Analyses
  • Research: Design/execute/integration and petroleum system analysis